Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How Does Spyware Kills Your Affiliate Marketing Business

An affiliate marketer works hard to bring quality traffic to his affiliate partners via his affiliate links. But in reality almost more than 30% of affiliate sales being hijacked by affiliate hijackers either manually or using spywares. Manual affiliate hijacking is done by manually replacing affiliate id from affiliate links. For example, assume you have a Clickbank affiliate id, and you would like to purchase a product from Clickbank which is being promoted by other affiliate marketer. All you have to do is to replace the affiliate id in the link with yours and click the link. When you purchase the product, the affiliate commission will be paid to you rather than the original affiliate marketer.

Another more dangerous way of hijacking affiliate commissions is by using spyware that attaches and watches the browser for Clickbank, CJ and other well known affiliate links or hop links in the page the surfer is viewing. As soon as it sees a known hop link ( the link which carries your affiliate link) it changes the affiliate ID of the affiliate link to the one owned by the spyware creator. This will be done every time on pages which has anyone’s affiliate link as long as the spyware is in the user’s computer.

Every time someone clicks the affiliate links on pages which carries affiliate links , the credits are actually being credited to someone else! Your visitors are not even getting a chance to see the affiliate links being hijacked because they are changed before anyone notices it.

Therefore, knowledge of how to cloak affiliate links should be a knowledge that affiliate marketer must learn, This will definitely help to avoid the precious efforts placed to promote the links from being credited to others.

Chicken Soup For Affiliate Marketers

Have you tried your hand at affiliate marketing, only to find that it's seemingly impossible to establish an online presence, let alone make enough sales to cover your expenses?

Or, worse yet, have you been scared away from affiliate marketing altogether, because you've heard how difficult it is to make any money online?

Well, fear not. It's true that 99% of the people who try affiliate marketing fail, but it's not because affiliate marketing is some impenetrable beast that is designed to shut you out. Quite the opposite, there are plenty of great opportunities for determined affiliate marketers to build a lucrative (and fun) business.

All you need to do is plan before you begin your affiliate marketing venture. This alone will put you way ahead of 99% of the other people out there trying to make a living with affiliate marketing. Here are three things that should factor into your planning:

The first thing you should do is look for a product that everyone wants. Take a look at what people are searching for, using a tool like Wordtracker or Overture. For example, nearly everyone wants to be heard on the internet. That's why Myspace is consistently one of the top searches on Google and other search engines. There are social networking sites like FriendsWin that offer creative ways for people to be heard online, through tools like video profiles, video resumes, and video dating.

The second thing you will want to do is look for an affiliate marketing program that offers earnest support. Many companies that use affiliate marketing to generate sales don't consider what marketers need to successfully promote their products. Take the time to find out if an affiliate marketing program offers coaching, tutorials, and other tools to help marketers succeed.

Finally, you should look for programs that offer recurring commissions - subscription sites are great for getting paid over and over again for your marketing efforts. Recurring commissions pay you for your effort, not for your time. This means you can spend more time building (and enjoying) a significant income, and less time chasing down new leads.

Taking these factors into account when planning your affiliate marketing business will give you a huge advantage over most internet marketers, and help you quickly build a significant income online. For more information on achieving affiliate marketing success, visit the link below.

Note: This post was contributed by http://www.affiliatemarketing-fw.com

Monday, July 28, 2008

Can You Make Affiliate Riches Without A List?

Every internet marketing guru will tell you that you need to have your own list of subscribers who you can market to, if you want to make real money from affiliate marketing. Well is this true or is it just a load of hype?

There's no question that having your own list is certainly not a bad thing, and the minimal costs of maintaining your own list makes this option a no-brainer really because it can only increase your affiliate income. Your only costs are those of your chosen autoresponder which are relatively small in comparison to the profits you can make.

By building a list of subscribers you ensure that a fair few visitors who visit your site are not lost forever when they leave your site. By offering something of value in order to capture their name and email address, you can add them to your email list and market to these people over and over again, whilst building a relationship at the same time, which can only increase your affiliate revenue.

However, if you really don't wish to build your own list, or maybe you don't have the time to build a list or constantly find new products to promote, then all is not lost.

An alternative would be to just drive traffic to your affiliate links or website, but if you're only promoting products that pay commissions on a one-off basis, then you will be fighting a constant battle to maintain affiliate sales. Every new affiliate commission will require a fair amount of effort to achieve.

This is why I always recommend promoting those products that pay commissions on a recurring basis, such as membership sites, web hosting, autoresponders, and so on. This way you earn commissions every single month for as long as your referrals remain a member, and you have greater financial stability in future months.

Each affiliate referral requires the same amount of effort as a traditional one-off affiliate product, but the rewards can be far more substantial in the long run, and can provide you with a stable income for several years in some instances.

In fact promoting recurring commission products is essentially similar to having your own list because both have the potential to provide solid long-term profits, so in my opinion this is the way to go if you really don't have the time to build and maintain your own list.

Although I always tell everyone that they should be building their own list, you can still make a very good living from promoting affiliate products without one, especially if you focus your efforts on promoting recurring commission products.

Secrets of Affiliate Program Selection

Selecting the correct affiliate programs to promote will directly affect the amount of success you can get in this online business. The main reason why newbies to this business usually find it hard to make passive income in this business to replace their day job income is because they do not know what program to promote to make the kind of residual income those affiliate gurus make.

Therefore this article aims to share with all of you fellow affiliates out there some of the secrets of selecting affiliate programs.

1) Type of Payment: One time basis or residual: In order to create a passive income from your online business, you must first select a series of programs that pays you recurring commission as long as your referral signs up their membership and stays with it. As the number of referrals increase, your monthly passive income will continue to increase as well. I have several programs that i promote with this kind of recurring income.

2) Breakeven Volume: Most program that gives you recurring income requires you to first be their member before you can promote their products or membership. Therefore you must first calculate the number of successful referral you must have before it breakeven with your membership fee. The most ideal type is between 2 to 3 successful referrals to breakeven. In fact, all the program i promote allows me to breakeven with just 2 or 3 referrals.

3) Type of Products: You must select those products that gives you training on how to succeed in the business as well as provide excellent support. Besides that, you have to make sure that the products or services provided by the program must be relevant and helpful to your leads and not just beneficial to you alone.

With all these three factors in place, you have already found yourself a good affiliate program to promote and make money out of it.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

4 Ways To Earn Recurring Commissions

In this article we look at 4 ways you can use the internet to earn recurring commissions. Also known as residual income, these are a fantastic way to set yourself up for life.

Would you like to get paid one time, or would you like to get paid over and over? By over and over I am saying you get paid every month for your one time efforts. This concept is also known as residual income and you will learn to love it when the checks come every month.

This is one of those "DUH" moments that has come to define my own internet marketing career. Getting paid over and over is one sure fire way to financial security and early retirement.

Here is a partial list of ways to create recurring commissions.

1. Network marketing- You earn recurring commissions by recruiting downline distributors getting paid on their efforts. When building your downline this is a great way to create residual income through the efforts of others.

Many MLM programs pay several levels deep. It is to your advantage to spend the majority of your time building your group rather than just retailing products where you're only getting paid one time for that sale.

2. Affiliate marketing- You earn commissions by selling other people's products. You can earn recurring commissions by selling subscription based products. You can join two-tier affiliate programs and getting paid on the sales made by the people that you recruit. If you recruit enough quality affiliate marketers underneath you into 2 tier programs you can earn residual income for years to come on just the sales that they personally make.

3. Sell memberships- One of the best ways to earn recurring commissions is to sell memberships. Website hosting would be an example of this. Private label right products that people subscribe to receive every month could be another example of a subscription based product that you earn commissions on.

4. Create your own subscription program- If you have your own product or program try and create a membership product. If you do this, you can earn recurring commissions every month when people subscribe to that. Hands Off Article Marketing is one example of a subscription based program that pays every month for people that subscribe to it.

This is 4 examples of ways you can earn residual income and get paid over and over for doing your work one time. Once you understand this concept, you'll want to spend the majority of your Internet marketing days learning for more ways to earn recurring commissions.

Note: This post was contributed by http://www.team-schuman.com

Recurring Bill Plus Multi Tier Is The Greatest Ever Affiliate Program

Combination of recurring bill and multi tier affiliate program could be one the best program ever created in affiliate industry. Even thought this type of affiliate program is very rare, but the advantage which it gives to an affiliate marketer is very big. Let’s start by understanding what is meant by recurring bill and multi tier affiliate programs.

Recurring bill affiliate program is the type of affiliate marketing where most commonly used in membership sites such as adult sites, hosting site and etc. The merchant pays you a set amount (or percentage) on a continuing basis as long as the customer you referred remains a customer. Some merchant will even pay you more when the customer upgrades his/her membership in future. Therefore, as long the customer uses the merchant’s services and pays the monthly or yearly fee, you will get the commission.

Multi tier affiliate marketing is where you could recruit other affiliate marketers to sell the same product or service that you are promoting too. When a visitor who originated from your affiliate link decides to become an affiliate marketer and makes a sale, you will get a portion out of the sale too. Thus, the more people you recruit to become affiliate marketer under you, the more money you potentially could make.

Now when you joint an affiliate program which combines the recurring bill and multi tier affiliate programs, you will be making money on regular basis base on you own effort and on efforts made by other affiliates who you recruited. This is a powerful concept as you make money base on your efforts plus your recruits’ efforts at a regular recurring basis. This is a combination of leveraging on other peoples’ efforts and recurring income business model. Even when you or your recruits do not make new sales, recurring commissions from your old sales and your recruits’ past sales continue to pay you.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Affiliate Marketing Made Easy - 5 Dead Easy Tips To Net Huge Affiliate Commissions

In this article I would like to share with you 5 dead easy tips to net fat affiliate commissions. The best thing is, I have used these tips for myself to create a profitable Internet business from scratch...

Tip #1: Use 'attractive' affiliate links

Instead of a long ugly affiliate link that most affiliate programs provide you with, create your own affiliate 'redirect' link that is 'attractive' to click on. A link like yourname.com/recommends/affiliateprogram.html is more clickable than an affiliate link full of strange looking code!

Tip #2: Pre-sell your affiliate products

Write reviews of your affiliate products or write problem/solution articles that promote your affiliate program. Don't 'hard-sell' your affiliate products, let the salesletter do the talking, especially if the salesletter has been proven to sell well.

Tip #3: Always build your list

Why NOT build a subscriber list? A subscriber list allows you to send out emails and make instant affiliate commissions. Also, you are building not just the merchant's business, but your own.

Tip #4: Only promote top products

Never promote something that is low in quality or doesn't deliver on expectations. Only promote products which you know are selling well and give genuine value.

Tip #5: Use a systematic marketing strategy

Your affiliate marketing plan should comprise of as many traffic generation sources as possible. Make your marketing as wide and deep as possible and you'll never run out of traffic to count on. However, do be sure not to focus your efforts on 'rubbish' traffic, traffic that doesn't convert. Marketing a dog training affiliate product to visitors who are looking for guitar tips doesn't work. Some traffic sources which are proven to convert well include: forum marketing, pay per click marketing, classified ads, article marketing and ezine advertising. Combine these traffic sources for unstoppable affiliate marketing traffic.

Recurring Affiliate Strategies

Making a healthy income from the Internet is not easy. You have to approach it like a business, because a business is what you should be building, not a hobby on the side.

One of the most rewarding yet straightforward ways is through affiliate marketing, which involves promoting other products and services for a percentage. This saves you worrying about inventory, stock, refunds, customer relations and a host of other elements of being a product or service provider.

In this article I'll be discussing the various techniques and one most profitable way of using them for residual income from the Internet.

Recurring affiliate income is probably one of the most rewarding types of income as you can promote something once and then receive a percentage every month as long as the customer who signed up through your unique link retains their regular payments.

Here are a few of the niches that offer recurring affiliate commissions.


Everyone and anyone who wants a website needs hosting. Furthermore, if they are happy with the service they're likely to stay with that hosting company as long as they have a website. Moving hosts isn't that difficult, but a lot of people are put off and assume that moving will be a horrible nightmare.

All you have to do is choose a good hosting company and promote away for recurring monthly income.


Many dating websites offer a recurring affiliate program enabling you to profit from the boom in internet dating. Often there is a choice between a one off sign up commission or a recurring membership
percentage. Read the affiliate offer carefully to make sure you will get the
commission structure you are looking for.

Membership sites

Many membership sites offer recurring affiliate commissions whether they in niche markets or Internet marketing related.

Whether you are a beginner in affiliate marketing or a seasoned professional, making regular commissions part of your overall business strategy will stand you in good stead for future income.

Multi Tier Affiliate Marketing Makes More Money Than Single Tier Affiliate Marketing

Multi tier affiliate marketing is at any point is much better opportunity of making money online compared to normal single tier affiliate marketing. This is because in multi tier affiliate marketing, you will be using the concept of leveraging on other peoples’ efforts to make money which is a powerful concept widely used especially in multi level marketing (MLM) companies.

Single tier affiliate program is a program which only pays one level of commission for each sales made by the affiliate marketer. When an affiliate marketer promotes a product, he/she only makes money when a potential buyer actually buys the product. If the potential does not buys the product but instead signs up as an affiliate himself to market the product using your affiliate link, you make no money.

Multi tier programs on the other hand are where you could recruit other affiliate marketers to sell the same product or service that you are promoting too. This is almost like techniques used in MLM where when an affiliate marketer that you recruited ( via your affiliate link ) makes a sale, you will get a portion out of the sale too. The tier systems sometimes could be few levels where even when the affiliate marketer who you recruited earlier decides to recruits other people and this people makes a sale, you will still be credit some amount of commission. Therefore, the more people you recruit, the better it is for you.

The above clearly explains why multi tier affiliate marketing is much more profitable compared to single tier programs. If an affiliate marketer has an option to choose from these two programs, priority should always be given to multi tier programs as it uses the concept of leveraging on other people’s efforts.

Friday, July 25, 2008

3 Easy Tips To Get More Affiliate Commissions By Tomorrow

Just got started in the affiliate business? Or are you a relatively experienced affiliate marketer with some sales under your belt? The truth is we all want more affiliate sales to boost our income.

Here are 3 easy tips to get more affiliate commissions by as quickly as tomorrow:

1. Go for some instant traffic sources. These include forum postings, social bookmarking, social networking on Facebook and MySpace, or sending an email out to your mailing list (if you have one). Forums are one of the best ways to get fast instant traffic.

2. Cloak your affiliate links. Affiliate links that are 'naked', so to speak, usually don't get as many affiliate sales. This is because affiliate links are usually long with the added affiliate code. So you would definitely want to cloak your affiliate links by using your own domain such as yourname.com/recommends/affiliateproduct or use a url shortening tool like TinyURL.

3. Create a product portfolio. Successful affiliate marketers often possess a portfolio where they have several products they are promoting at any given time. They throw out products that are not performing and keep the ones that are selling, and the cycle goes on. By having a diverse product range to promote, you can increase your sales and diversify your online income.

Those are 3 easy tips you can start putting into use today to get more affiliate commissions by tomorrow. My suggestion is if you are looking to increase your income or boost a flagging business, then give these tips a try. You might be surprised at the improved results you get.

Note: This post was contributed by http://www.murderyourjob.com

Free Affiliate Marketing Tips - Where To Find Free Affiliate Marketing Tips

Many people start off their businesses with affiliate programs. In fact some have become so good that they have made successful businesses from affiliate programs. These people are known as "Super Affiliates." If you are serious about making money with affiliate programs then your goal should be to become one of these types of affiliates. None of these Super Affiliates were born with the knowledge to become a wealthy affiliate overnight. They all learnt their craft from Affiliate tips and many of them were free.

Where to find free affiliate marketing tips:

1. Websites: If you look up "Free Affiliate tips" on Google you will find many websites and blogs offering free tips and articles on affiliate marketing. However the best one is undoubtedly Allan Gardyne's www.associateprograms.com it has free tips on all aspects of affiliate marketing and of course an informative newsletter. If you are thinking about making money with affiliate programs this should be your first stop. This is a website made by a really super affiliate who has made a good living for many years from affiliate programs. If you want to make money you should learn from the masters.

2. Free newsletters: Many "start up home business" newsletters will specialize in affiliate marketing. These are free and very informative. Check out the newsletter and be sure they are offering quality articles and tips and are not just advertising machines. Make a file of all the different articles and tips and categorize them. In this way you will accumulate a nice little reference library, which you can reference whenever you want.

3. Forums: Forums are always good for free marketing tips and many of these forums will have experts who can answer questions and give good advice. When you have questions you can easily go here. Soon you will gather information and be able to answer question and give free affiliate tips yourself.

When you check out these 3 resources you will learn a lot about affiliate marketing and be an expert in no time. Soon you will be earning a good income from your affiliate programs and be giving free affiliate tips to others.

Note: This post was contributed by http://opportunity-advisor.com

Which Affiliate Programs To Choose?

Will it cost you anything to join? Most affiliate programs being offered today are absolutely free of charge. So why settle for those that charge you some dollars before joining.

When do they issue the commission checks? Every program is different. Some issue their checks once a month, every quarter, etc. Select the one that is suited to your payment time choice. Many affiliate programs are setting a minimum earned commission amount that an affiliate must meet or exceed in order for their checks to be issued.

What is the hit per sale ratio? This is the average number of hits to a banner or text link it takes to generate a sale based on all affiliate statistics. This factor is extremely important because this will tell you how much traffic you must generate before you can earn a commission from the sale.
How are referrals from an affiliate’s site tracked and for how long do they remain in the system? You need to be confident on the program enough to track those people you refer from your site. This is the only way that you can credit for a sale. The period of time that those people stay in the system is also important. This is because some visitors do not buy initially but may want to return later to make the purchase. Know if you will still get credit for the sale if it is done some months from a certain day.

What are the kinds of affiliate stats available? Your choice of affiliate program should be capable of offering detailed stats. They should be available online anytime you decide to check them out. Constantly checking your individual stats is important to know how many impressions, hits and sales are already generated from your site. Impressions are the number of times the banner or text link was viewed by a visitor of your site. A hit is the one clicking on the banner or text links.

Does the affiliate program also pay for the hits and impressions besides the commissions on sales? It is important that impressions and hits are also paid, as this will add to the earnings you get from the sales commission. This is especially important if the program you are in offers low sales to be able to hit ratio.

Who is the online retailer? Find out whom you are doing business with to know if it is really a solid company. Know the products they are selling and the average amount they are achieving. The more you know about the retailer offering you the affiliate program, the easier it will be for you to know if that program is really for you and your site.

Is the affiliate a one tier or two tier program? A single tier program pays you only for the business you yourself have generated. A two tier program pays you for the business, plus it also pays you a commission on the on the sales generated by any affiliate you sponsor in your program. Some two-tier programs are even paying small fees on each new affiliate you sponsor. More like a recruitment fee.

Lastly, what is the amount of commission paid? 5% - 20% is the commission paid by most programs. .01% - .05% is the amount paid for each hit. If you find a program that also pays for impressions, the amount paid is not much at all. As you can see from the figures, you will now understand why the average sales amount and hit to sale ratio is important.

These are just some of the questions that needed answering first before you enter into an affiliate program. You should be familiar with the many important aspects that your chosen program should have before incorporating them into your website. Try to ask your affiliate program choices these questions. These can help you select the right program for you site from among the many available.

Affiliate Marketing: The Solution For Todays Rising Living Costs

Due to the increasing costs of living today, it is hard to sustain your household needs if only a single member of your family is generating income. It is now a necessity that families have at least two income-generating members.

Just think, you have an income of $30,000 to $60,000 a year. Pretty good isn’t it? But once you have included your growing expenses for your automobile (such as gasoline, repairs, insurance, and others), your work (like bus fare and meals), children’s needs, and house mortgages, it doesn't leave any extra spendable income (which means you barely had enough to cover your expenses and with little or no savings at all).

Do not let yourself be drowned by these growing expenditures for living. There are ways of earning additional income aside from your present job.

Your current family lifestyle can be maintained and not haunted by creditors by working an online career. Not only can you make additional money to maintain your lifestyle, but you can also spend quality time with your family as well.

All you need to do is sit back in the comfort of your home, in front of your personal computer, and you are on the launchpad for creating thousand of dollars through affiliate marketing.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

It refers to the endorsement of products or services on the Internet through affiliates. Affiliates are webmasters, ezine editors and people just like you who act as referring agents on behalf of their clients in exchange for a commission on each sale made.

In affiliate marketing, there are one-tier programs or two-tier programs. In one-tier programs, you earn on a per referral basis and cannot hire sub-affiliates to assist you in endorsing a certain product or service. The commission will come from your direct referral(s).

The latter is quite favorable to you as an affiliate. You will not only earn from your direct referrals, but you also earn a percentage commission from the referrals by your co-affiliates who join your program.

Affiliate Marketing For Online Entrepreneurs

If you're already an online entrepreneur and you have your own site, you can use affiliate marketing to endorse and advance your business and increase your sales. You can set up an affiliate marketing program by doing the following.

Have your program’s terms, conditions, and online registration form posted on your website. Let your potential affiliates read it and join if they are satisfied with it.

Aside from posting details regarding your affiliate marketing program on your site, you can also advertise in ezine advertisement networks, search engines, and other sites having high web traffic.

Have your marketing program registered through affiliate program directories and networks so that prospects who are looking for new opportunities can find you.

You could also write reviews and articles and post on free article sites and request the editors publish it in their ezine.

Affiliate Marketing for Newbies

If you are new in the business (no products and websites of your own), but want to earn money through affiliate marketing, you can set yourself up as an affiliate. Learn the basics of Internet marketing, invest quality time and a little money to get started earning income by promoting products and services of other people.

Determine the hottest products or services on the web that you have an interest in, register as an affiliate, and start promoting the product or service using different marketing strategies. By conducting extensive research you can find out all you need to know and do.

You can go to online marketing forums for the 'niche' products and services you've chosen to promote. Read posted messages on the forum and participate by posting your queries too. You can also ask questions to online marketers and gain useful tips for success in your affiliate marketing career.

Affiliate marketing offers the earning opportunity that you are waiting for. You have tons of information right at your fingertips as you work from home.

If you manage your time and spend your money wisely when starting your online business, there will come a time when your earnings will be more than enough to fund your rising living costs and more. Your family will thank you in the end.

Note : This post was contributed by http://www.loseyouralarm.com/mrvideos

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Affiliate Marketing Without A Website Or Blog

Affiliate marketing is one of the business models which one could start without a website and there are many other ways to market or promote an affiliate products or services. Anyone who wants to do affiliate business model could use many free methods in the internet to promote and make money online. The list below explains some of the free methods which could be used to promote affiliate products or services by anyone who is willing to spend some time online.

Email Marketing

A person could promote affiliate links using email. If you are in a membership site which allows you to email members freely or you have many friends who you communicate using email or any other source of email marketing which you could use without restriction, then you could email to these people any affiliate link which will divert people to the affiliate site. If they followed your affiliate link and purchased the product/service, you will get your commission.

Yahoo Answers

If you have seriously used a product which is useful to you and you would recommend it to others to try it out, then you could promote the product’s (if there is affiliate program which comes with this product) affiliate program. You could find people who ask questions in Yahoo Answers related to the product which you plan to promote and answer the questions by explaining your experience using the product. You then could ask the asker to visit the site where the product could be obtained via your affiliate link. Do not simply push your affiliate link, but try to provide good answer to the question and guide the asker to the affiliate site.

Article Marketing

You could also use article marketing in promoting affiliate link. Even when many article directories which do not allow authors to use affiliate links in their author’s signature section, but there are many directories which still allow authors to place the link. You need to spend some time to find these article directories and start writing article related to the aspect of the product or services which you are promoting. Article marketing has the potential to drive highly targeted visitors to an affiliate program.

YouTube Marketing

If you are good in producing videos which you could attract attentions of millions of people who surf YouTube site everyday, then you should make some video relating to the affiliate product which you are promoting. For example if you are promoting a product such as Sony Play Station, then you could make a video about this product being used in funny ways and post it in YouTube. People who watch the video might be interested in the Play Station and might purchase it via your link which appears in the video they watched.

Ebook Marketing

Viral ebook marketing is another form of marketing which one could use to promote affiliate programs. In viral marketing, you create an ebook which explains or provide certain information which are valuable for readers and make them want to share the information with their friends by passing around the ebook. Within the viral ebook, the author will leave affiliate links at certain strategic location in the ebook content, and upon readers clicking the links, readers will be taken to an affiliate sales page. With viral marketing, the more people pass around the ebook, the better chances of you making sales.

Above are only some of the methods which one could use to drive traffic to certain affiliate programs using affiliate links. If done properly, methods such as article marketing, YouTube, viral marketing and Yahoo Answers could be providing highly targeted traffic to the affiliate programs for many years to come as long the affiliate link remains active. This will increase the chances of an affiliate marketer to make a sale constantly.

Affiliate Marketing Is Easiest To Start & The Hardest To Succeed

Affiliate marketing business model is one of the easiest online businesses for a person to start as it could be done with or without any website. Since anyone could simply register with affiliate program sites such as Clickbank, Commission Junctions, Amazon and many more widely available affiliate sources, the process and the knowledge required to start this business are simple. A person who wants to begin affiliate marketing could begin the business within few minutes by registering at affiliate sites and obtaining affiliate links.

Once one has her affiliate links, the hard part of the business starts. The hardest part of affiliate marketing is not to protect the links from hijackers, not to prepare the sites or even to promote the links generally in the internet. The hardest parts are to find the targeted group for certain product or service, and to convince the users to believe in your recommendations that the product or service that you are recommending to them is the one that will solve their problem. For example, if you are selling an ebook about “how to avoid hair loss”, then the main focus is to find people who are loosing their hairs and convincing them that your solution will help them. This is hard because you are dealing with human being who will have their own opinions and feelings. In simple words, it is the human factor where you need to win their trust.

Even when affiliate links will lead visitors to a landing page which suppose to persuade them and provide them the necessary information to win their trust, the referrer carries a big responsibility to pre convince the targeted visitors. Once this has been done, half of the battle has been won, and another half need to be won by the information provided in the landing page. That’s why an affiliate marketer must read properly the landing page and understand the content properly. If one feels the information provided on the landing page is not credible, the affiliate marketer should avoid from promoting the product or service. This is because when you recommend a product which has low quality, it directly will affect your credibility. Furthermore, low quality products will lead to high refund claims which directly will hurt affiliate marketer’s income.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Starting Affiliate Marketing - a full guide

I am a newbie in affiliate marketing... what should I do

Step 1
Learning the basic knowledge about affiliate marketing is crucial. Many affiliate marketers fail because they do not acquire the knowledge and put in efforts to learn and learn.

Step 2
Practice what you have learn. Ever wonder why there are practical period for young doctors wven when they have studied for years ( lost most of their prime young age.. :( ) , it is because they have to get their hands dirty.

Step 3
Willing to accept failure and try again. Very few people will get the golden goose in affiliate marketing the first time. You must learn and place effort continuously. Learn from you mistakes!

Step 4
When you are successful, continuously promote your business. No matter how good of an affiliate marketer you are, if you do not promote yourself continuously the internet will eat you alive. The internet is changing constantly, and you must always change to be on top.

This are simple four steps a newbie need to know... now lets start affiliate marketing!

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