Thursday, July 24, 2008

Affiliate Marketing Is Easiest To Start & The Hardest To Succeed

Affiliate marketing business model is one of the easiest online businesses for a person to start as it could be done with or without any website. Since anyone could simply register with affiliate program sites such as Clickbank, Commission Junctions, Amazon and many more widely available affiliate sources, the process and the knowledge required to start this business are simple. A person who wants to begin affiliate marketing could begin the business within few minutes by registering at affiliate sites and obtaining affiliate links.

Once one has her affiliate links, the hard part of the business starts. The hardest part of affiliate marketing is not to protect the links from hijackers, not to prepare the sites or even to promote the links generally in the internet. The hardest parts are to find the targeted group for certain product or service, and to convince the users to believe in your recommendations that the product or service that you are recommending to them is the one that will solve their problem. For example, if you are selling an ebook about “how to avoid hair loss”, then the main focus is to find people who are loosing their hairs and convincing them that your solution will help them. This is hard because you are dealing with human being who will have their own opinions and feelings. In simple words, it is the human factor where you need to win their trust.

Even when affiliate links will lead visitors to a landing page which suppose to persuade them and provide them the necessary information to win their trust, the referrer carries a big responsibility to pre convince the targeted visitors. Once this has been done, half of the battle has been won, and another half need to be won by the information provided in the landing page. That’s why an affiliate marketer must read properly the landing page and understand the content properly. If one feels the information provided on the landing page is not credible, the affiliate marketer should avoid from promoting the product or service. This is because when you recommend a product which has low quality, it directly will affect your credibility. Furthermore, low quality products will lead to high refund claims which directly will hurt affiliate marketer’s income.

1 comment:

Ryan Hemsley said...

Hey, I am in affiliate marketin as well, and must admit, it is VERY tough to really get anywhere with it. It takes a lot of work, but i've managed to stay ahead of the game a little bit.

Check out my blog, see what you think

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